After certain R#-recommended edits R# colors the background of blocks of code in a light royal blue and also places a mark next to the scroll bar with the same color. It is not an error or even a suggestion. It seems to be a temporary flag that clears if you close and reopen a file.
Steps to recreate:
- Write a line of code like: string str = string.Format("{0}", 1);
- Notice that R# will mark the str var with a light gray because it is never used.
- Press Alt+Enter on the variable and select Remove Declaration from the R# context menu
- See the line of code turn light royal blue...
- Hover your cursor over the scroll bar marker, all you see is the code...
Does anyone know the meaning/usefulness of this "flagging"?
EDIT: My Resharper version is 4.5 running in VS 2005