I've been reading a book which is in C#. I'm a VB.NET developer (and a very junior one at that) and I'm having a lot of trouble with the following code that contains lots of things I've never seen before. I do have a basic knowledge of Lambda Expressions.
public List<T> SortByPropertyName(string propertyName, bool ascending)
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "N");
var sortExpression = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, object>>
(Expression.Convert(Expression.Property(param, propertyName),
typeof(object)), param);
if (ascending)
return this.AsQueryable<T>().OrderBy<T, object>(sortExpression).ToList<T>();
return this.AsQueryable<T>().OrderByDescending<T, object>(sortExpression).ToList<T>
Could anybody illuminate me as to what this code is doing and what concepts are being used? I am also trying to convert this code into VB.NET with little luck so any help there would be appreciated as well.