Building on Max Gontar's solution, this should solve the general problem of assigning width to sub Fields of HorizontalFieldManagers:
import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.*;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.*;
public class FieldRowManager extends HorizontalFieldManager {
public FieldRowManager(final long style)
public FieldRowManager()
private SubField FirstSubField = null;
private SubField LastSubField = null;
private static class SubField
public final Field Field;
public final int Width;
public final int Offset;
private SubField Next;
public SubField(final FieldRowManager container, final Field field, final int width, final int offset)
Field = field;
Width = width;
Offset = offset;
if (container.LastSubField == null)
container.FirstSubField = this;
container.LastSubField.Next = this;
container.LastSubField = this;
public SubField getNext()
return Next;
public void add(final Field field)
add(field, field.getPreferredWidth());
public void add(final Field field, final int width)
add(field, width, 0);
public void add(final Field field, final int width, final int offset)
new SubField(this, field, width, offset);
protected void sublayout(final int maxWidth, final int maxHeight)
int x = 0;
int height = 0;
SubField subField = FirstSubField;
while (subField != null)
final Field field = subField.Field;
final int fieldHeight = field.getPreferredHeight();
this.setPositionChild(field, x, 0);
this.layoutChild(field, subField.Width, fieldHeight);
x += subField.Width+subField.Offset;
if (fieldHeight > height)
height = fieldHeight;
subField = subField.getNext();
this.setExtent(x, height);
Just call the overloads of the add method to specify the width, and the offset space before the next Field. Though this does not allow for deleting/replacing Fields.
It is irksome that RIM does not provide this functionality in the standard library. HorizontalFieldManager should just work this way.