



I need to create a multi-dimensional (nested) hashtable/dictionary so that I can use syntax like

val = myHash("Key").("key")

I know I need to use Generics but I can't figure out the correct syntax using VB in ASP.NET 2.0, there are plenty of c# examples on the net but they aren't helping much.


+2  A: 

OK, I'm better at C# than, but I'll give this a go....

Dim myHash as Dictionary(Of string, Dictionary(Of string, Integer));
James Curran
That looks right to me, but I too am way more of a C# person than VB.NET...
Unfortunately, there is no Dictionary type in VB.NET as far as I can see. IntelliSense doesnt like that snippet and wants to change it to ListDictionary or HybridDictionary, both of which then give the error message: "... has no type parameters and so cannot have type arguments"
Adam Pope
Umm, MSDN says it exists. Are you including the right Imports statement for System.Collections.Generic?
Doh! I'd imported Specialized not Generic. Thanks!
Adam Pope

There's also the System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary(Of T) collection, which is just a pre-defined Dictionary(Of String, T).

And the syntax to use either the normal Dictionary or the StringDictionary would look like this:

val = myHash("key")("key")

Not like this:

val = myHash("key").("key")
Joel Coehoorn
+1  A: 

Consider that you may only need to use Dictionary, and that can compose your multiple keys into a single key object with its own composite hash code. E.g. make a multikey class and then use it as the key.

in pseudocode:

class Multikey {
 private keys;
 public setKey1(...)
 public setKey2(...)
Dim myKey as MultiKey(...)
myKey.key1 = ...
myKey.key2 = ...

Dim mydic as Dictionary(Of MultiKey, Integer)

val = mydic(myKey)
He's lose his sytnactic sugar, though.
Joel Coehoorn
You're right. But then again there is: val = dic.get(new MultiKey("key1").("key2"))