



I was hoping I could get some recommendations or pointers to some books that could help me understand the internals about graph databases.

When I say internals, I am interested mainly in Why graph databases are important, specifically what mathematical operations it excels at. Also, I would like to understand it's implementation, at least a high level perspective.

Thanks Eric



You could do worse than picking up a copy of Knuth's 'The Stanford Graphbase'. It may be a bit dated by now, but the basics haven't really changed.

If you have access to Mathematica then 'Computational Discrete Mathematics' by Pemmaraju and Skiena is good too.



High Performance Mark
+2  A: 

I think you can view graph databases from at least two different perspectives:

  • database theory / computer science
  • semantic web / knowledge management

You seem more interested in the first perspective, but if you want to get an introduction to the second one, I recommend the Why Semantics presentation by Toby Segaran, also coauthor of Programming the Semantic Web.

Here's some book suggestions that could be helpful:

I am definitely looking for something more along the lines of db theory and CS, and your last recommendation is definitely the closest.