I have this SQL query
select case when AllowanceId is null then 2 else AllowanceId end as AllowanceId
, d.descen as domdescen
, t.descen as typdescen
, case when qty is null then 0 else qty end as qty
, u.descen as unidescen
from (select t.allowancetypeid, d.allowancedomainid
from allowancedomain as d, allowancetype as t
where t.allowancetypeid in (1,2) and d.active = 1 and t.active = 1) as a left join
allowanceqty as q on a.allowancetypeid = q.allowancetypeid and
a.allowancedomainid = q.allowancedomainid and
q.allowanceid = 2 inner join
allowancedomain as d on a.allowancedomainid = d.allowancedomainid
inner join
allowancetype as t on a.allowancetypeid = t.allowancetypeid
inner join
unit as u on case when q.unitid is null then 1 else q.unitid end = u.unitid
there is one variable in that query and it's number 2 in the select clause(first line) and the "= 2" in the from clause(in the middle)
I wrote what I wanted, look at my answer below