



I have this SQL query

select case when AllowanceId is null then 2  else AllowanceId end as AllowanceId
  , d.descen as domdescen
  , t.descen as typdescen
  , case when qty is null then 0 else qty end as qty
  , u.descen as unidescen
from (select t.allowancetypeid, d.allowancedomainid 
   from allowancedomain as d, allowancetype as t
   where t.allowancetypeid in (1,2) and = 1 and = 1) as a left join 
 allowanceqty as q on a.allowancetypeid = q.allowancetypeid and
       a.allowancedomainid = q.allowancedomainid and 
       q.allowanceid = 2 inner  join 
    allowancedomain as d on a.allowancedomainid = d.allowancedomainid
 inner  join 
    allowancetype as t on a.allowancetypeid = t.allowancetypeid
 inner join
    unit as u on case when q.unitid is null then 1 else q.unitid end = u.unitid

there is one variable in that query and it's number 2 in the select clause(first line) and the "= 2" in the from clause(in the middle)

I wrote what I wanted, look at my answer below


While this is not the solution, may i ask why you need to transform a whole SQL statement to Linq?

Per Hornshøj-Schierbeck
because I want to do 100% linq and not running custom sql query and that query will need to accept a parameter

after a long try/retry/try/retry here is what I wanted....

from a in (from d in AllowanceDomains _
  from t in AllowanceTypes _
  where (new integer(){1,2}).contains(t.AllowanceTypeID) and = true and _
  select  t.allowancetypeid,tdescen =t.descen, d.allowancedomainid,ddescen=d.descen)  _
group join qqq in AllowanceQties on new with {.k1 = a.allowancetypeid, .k2 = a.allowancedomainid, .k3 = 2} equals _
       new with {.k1 = qqq.allowancetypeid, .k2 = qqq.allowancedomainid, .k3 = qqq.allowanceid} into qq = group _
from q in qq.DefaultIfEmpty _
join u in units on if(object.equals(q.unitid,nothing),1,q.unitid) equals u.unitid _
select  AllowanceID =if(object.equals(q.AllowanceID,nothing),2,q.AllowanceID) ,a.tdescen,a.ddescen,qty = if(object.equals(q.qty,nothing),0,q.qty),u.descen

Linqer is your friend. It allows you to convert almost all sql to linq and works with your database and dbml. It has never failed me so far. It's not a free product but well worth the money. [I have no associations whatsoever with Linqer]

Ash M
can you show me what linqer would generate for my sql query?