



If I have:

Some text

More text

Even more text

What is the more elegant way to obtain:

Some text

More text

Even more text

All with knowing the number of repeated tokens

+3  A: 

Use regular expressions. Match the entire string '\r\n' and replace with a single '\r\n'

The function you need:

pattern = "(\\r\\n)+";
Regex rgx = new Regex(pattern);

newString = rgx.Replace(oldString, "\r\n");

EDIT: Apologies for missing the + earlier

not sure this works since it would replace every new line with a new line, not condense them. you need a plus in your pattern
+5  A: 

Perhaps something like:

var result = string.Join("\r\n", s.Split(new[]{"\r\n"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
Bojan Resnik
I like this one better than regex, its clever, and declarative.
This one is far more wordy, and with such a simple regex, how is this more declarative? The regex version is almost literally "replace every repeated instance of \r\n with a single instance of \r\n".
Sean Nyman
+1  A: 

I don't know C# syntax, but just use a simple regex to replace (\r\n)+ with (\r\n)

+5  A: 

The method to do so using regular expressions would be

string replaced = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex
    .Replace(input, @"(?:\r\n)+", "\r\n");

(The (?:...) syntax is a non-capturing group, which can be replaced with a capturing group (just (...)), but that is slightly less efficient and not more readable, IMO.)

Sean Nyman

You can use a regular expression:

str = Regex.Replace(str, "(\r\n)+", "\r\n")

Another way could be to split on the line breaks removing empty entries, then join again:

str = String.Join("\r\n", str.Split(new string[]{"\r\n"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

Consider if you should use the string literal "\r\n" or the Environment.NewLine constant. That depends on where the data comes from.


If the \r\n means what it usually does, you're replacing successive blank lines with a single blank line.

I'm sure there are tools for that purpose. I wouldn't know about C#, though.

+1  A: 

Without Regexs (which make my head hurt)

    string RemoveRepeated(string needle, string haystack)
        string doubleNeedle = needle + needle;

        while (haystack.IndexOf(doubleNeedle) >= 0)
            haystack = haystack.Replace(doubleNeedle, needle);
        return haystack;
Binary Worrier
As strings are immutable in C#, the above is actually an infinite loop if the string contains a `doubleNeedle`.
Bojan Resnik
@Bojan: Yes, I posted it before I tested it, now corrected :)
Binary Worrier

The fastest way:

Regex reg = new Regex(@"(\r\n)+");

string replacedString = reg.Replace("YOUR STRING TO BE REPLACED", Environment.NewLine);

Just a few days ago, there was nearly the same question around here in SO. There was not a NewLine the problem, instead it where whitespaces.

There was also the one guys who prefers the Split, Join method and the other site using a regex. So Jon made a comparison between both and it came out that a compile regex was much faster.

But i just can't find this question again...
