I'm writing a script to let users place items in their baskets. It is very complex so far, and I would like to talk it through with someone to see if they can suggest better design or tidy the current design up. Here is the code I have, which doesn't work very well (i.e. has errors that I haven't yet resolved), with comments to show my intentions:
if(!$_GET["productid"] || !$_GET["qty"]) {
//the user has entered the address directly into their address bar, send them away (if=1 to let me know where the script branched)
**//do select query to verify item id is valid, in case they entered data into the query string or the item has been removed from db**
$check_sql = "SELECT * FROM aromaProducts1 WHERE id='".$_GET["productid"]."'";
$check_res = mysqli_query($mysqli, $check_sql) or die(mysqli_error($mysqli));
if(mysqli_num_rows($check_res) == 0) {
**//item doesn't exist, redirect user**
} else if(mysqli_num_rows($check_res) != 0) {
**//item exists
//do select query to check for item id already in basket - if this item is already in the table associated with the user's session id (which will be added every time an item is), then we want to change the quantity only**
$duplicate_sql = "SELECT qty FROM sessionBasket WHERE product_id='".$_GET["productid"]."' AND usersessid='".$_SESSION["PHPSESSID"]."'";
$duplicate_res = mysqli_query($mysqli, $duplicate_sql) or die(mysqli_error($mysqli));
if(mysqli_num_rows($duplicate_res) != 0) {
**//item in basket - add another - fetch current quantity and add new quantity**
$basketInfo = mysqli_fetch_array($duplicate_res);
$currQty = $basket_info["qty"];
$add_sql = "UPDATE sessionBasket SET qty='".($_GET["qty"]+$currQty)."' WHERE usersessid='".$_SESSION["PHPSESSID"]."'AND product_id='".$_GET["productid"]."'";
$add_res = mysqli_query($mysqli, $add_sql) or die(mysqli_error($mysqli));
if($add_res !== TRUE) {
**//wasn't updated for some reason - this is where my script currently breaks**
} else if($add_res === TRUE) {
**//was updated - send them away**
} else if(mysqli_num_rows($duplicate_res) == 0) {
**//no existing items in basket, so we want to add the current item info associated with the user's id/session id**
**//fetch product id, passed in query string from the product info page**
$productid = $_GET["productid"];
**//sanitize possible inputs, if set - notes is a field added to the product info page for custom products, and we want to sanitize it if it's set - note that check_chars_mailto() is a function I have in the db_include file**
$notes = isset($_GET["notes"])?trim(mysqli_real_escape_string(check_chars_mailto($_GET["notes"]))):"";
**//if the user is logged in, their userid is stored in the session variable**
$userid = $_SESSION["userid"]?$_SESSION["userid"]:"";
**//not sure about the keep alive option - i.e. store basket contents even if the user doesnt register/sign in, but keeping the option there**
$alive = $_SESSION["alive"]?$_SESSION["alive"]:"no";
**//insert query**
$insert_sql = "INSERT INTO sessionBasket (userid, usersessid, date_added, keep_alive, product_id, qty, notes) VALUES (
$insert_res = mysqli_query($mysqli, $insert_sql) or die(mysqli_error($mysqli));
if($insert_res === TRUE) {
} else if($insert_res !== TRUE) {
It's pretty complicated for me - I want to allow empty fields, add the userid if it's available (which is missing from my UPDATE query)... Is this a million miles from a good design, or what?
Also, when I try to add items to the basket, I now get an error: internal server error 500. I suspect this is due to bad coding because my search results and product view pages work and they use the same server and the same database as this script.