Is it possible in javascript to know if a css property is supported by the client browser? I'm talking about the rotation properties of css3, i want to execute some functions only if the browser supports them.
To start with the fact that I do not know the answer but would good old browser capability detection work like:
if (document.images)
But in your case you would use the css3 property you want to use?
2009-08-27 18:40:17
Maybe you are looking for something like this?
The other thing to think about is what you want for default if JS is turned off.
Kyle Kochis
2009-08-27 18:41:45
that article is interesting but it doesn't solve my problem. I want to know only if a css property is supported.
2009-08-27 18:48:05
yeah. I was afraid of that. In that case I'm pretty sure you can't do that with CSS3 rotation at this point. You could always try the non-standards way of achieving cross-platform rotation found at but I don't necessarily recommend it.
Kyle Kochis
2009-08-27 18:57:04
There's a very simple inference strategy that often allows to detect CSS support quite reliably. I blogged about it recently. Take a look at a demo page with some of the CSS tests.
2009-08-28 04:26:59