Are all WCF endpoint types capable of the same things? IS the only difference the transmission type and security?
2Well no. An endpoint is the combination of an address, binding and a contract. Each of those 3 can vary and would make it different. The contract would influence which logical operation the service can perform, the binding influence the transmission type and some of it's features (which I think you are asking about). Check out this table to see which bindings support which properties.
Here's a difference with the MSMQ bindings:
With MSMQ, the OperationContract methods must return void, and must have the IsOneWay attribute ([OperationContract(IsOneWay=true)]). Since MSMQ does not respond is a fashion similar to a HTTP response, the MSMQ messages are basically "fire-and-forget" and do not return anything.
The MSMQ Integration binding is also different than all other WCF bindings. MSMQ Integration was designed to work with non-WCF-based partners, so it actually calls for you to include MsmqMessage as part of the OperationContract parameters.