



Hi, i am running windows Xp 64 bit. i want to hide the taskbar when i run my application. I tried codes by searching in google. In all those, it hides the task bar. But the problem is, when i open a notepad and maximize it, it is not actually into full screen. Because the space where task bar was there is still blocked with empty space. I want it fit really into full scree mode. Please help me on this. Thanks.

+2  A: 

I've done this by making the application borderless, maximized, and setting it to be Topmost. Here's a perfect example from CodeProject.

As one of the commenters has said, replacing disabling Explorer and running your application might be the best way, security-wise.

Charlie Salts
Of course, you can't replace Explorer using C#... but I agree that it's the best option, provided that it's an option.
I know I can kill the Explorer.exe process from within the Task Manager - explorer windows and taskbar disappear. I don't know if it's possible or wise to kill it programmatically, though.
Charlie Salts
+2  A: 

If you like to replace the windows shell (taskbar) you'll have to change a registry key.

Changing the default shell (all users):

  1. open regedit (start menu > run, and type in regedit)
  2. go to: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon.
  3. Change Shell from explorer.exe to your program path and name e.g. c:\myKioskApp\Kiosk.exe

Changing the default shell (only current user):

  1. open regedit (start menu > run, and type in regedit).
  2. go to: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon.
  3. add a new string value (Edit > New > String Value) called shell. and set the value to the path of the new shell e.g. c:\myKioskApp\Kiosk.exe
  4. log out and log back in.

Hello, Once I change the default shell and reboot. How do I modify the shell back or how do I log back to windows. Can I just run Explorer afterwards or something like that?


Lucas B
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I'm sorry I'm new at this... I can't find the "Add Comment" link for the previous answer. How can I add the comment?
Lucas B