I think the answer to your question is, yes. You can send a node to an XSLT function.
If you are wondering what to use for the value of the as="" attribute, you have several choices. If you want to be very lax and accept just about anything, use as="item()*".
From David Pawson's site:
item()* .. sort of nodeset? W3C
Yes, I agree it looks pretty
meaningless doesn't it. However. As of
CR, its pretty essential, especially
if you want to use types. And want to
generate, say, a nodeset.. sorry
sequence, in a variable.
<xsl:variable name="a"
select="(//h3)[position() < 3]"
This creates a variable you can hack
into using xpath quite readily. I.e.
remember item()*.
types ... a few examples. W3C
From an explanatory email from Mike
Kay, thanks Mike. Examples:
<xsl:param name="x" as="item()"/>
the parameter value can be any item
(i.e. a node or atomic value). But it
must be a single item.
<xsl:param name="x" as="item()?"/>
the parameter can be a single item or
an empty sequence
<xsl:param name="x" as="item()+"/>
the parameter must be a sequence of
one or more items - an empty sequence
is not allowed
<xsl:param name="x" as="item()*"/>
the parameter can be any sequence of
zero or more items - this places no
constraints on its value.
<xsl:param name="x" as="node()*"/>
the parameter can be any sequence of
zero or more nodes
<xsl:param name="x" as="xs:atomicValue*"/>
the parameter can be any sequence of
zero or more atomic values (e.g.
integers, strings, or booleans).
item()* is the most general type
possible, it matches everything, like
"Object" in Java. For that reason, it
can usually be omitted. But not
always, for example the default type
in xsl:variable is not item()* but
document-node(), to ensure that
<xsl:variable name="rtf"><a>thing</a> </xsl:variable>
continues to behave like XSLT 1.0
Use these to specify parameters,
variable types etc.