




I have a scenario in oracle where i need to be able to reuse the value of a pseudo column which was calculated previously within the same select statement something like:

select 'output1' process, process || '-Output2' from Table1

I don't want to the repeat the first columns logic again in the second column for maintenance purposes, currently it is done as

select 'output1' process, 'output1' || '-Output2' name from Table1

since i have 4 such columns which depend on the previous column output, repeating would be a maintenance nightmare

Edit: i included table name and removed dual, so that no assumptions are made about that this is not a complex process, my actual statement does have 2 to 3 joins on different tables

+7  A: 

You could calculate the value in a sub-query:

select calculated_output process, calculated_output || '-Output2' name from
    select 'output1' calculated_output from dual
Adam Paynter
+6  A: 

You can also use the subquery factoring syntax - i think it is more readable myself:

with tmp as
  select 'output' process from dual
  process, process || '-Output2' from tmp;
I tend to forget that the `WITH` syntax actually exists. :)
Adam Paynter
The only possible downside is that (depending on the Oracle version) the WITH query will be executed as a view - with possible performance issues (of course, this is sometimes an advantage).
Jeffrey Kemp
+1  A: 

very similar to the previous poster, but I prefer the method I show below, it is more readable, thusly more supportable, in my opinion

select val1 || val2 || val3 as val4, val1 from (
   select 'output1' as val1, '-output2' as val2, '-output3' as val3 from dual