



I'm hoping someone can point a relative jQuery/jqModal newbie in the right direction for debugging this error. I'm loading an html fragment into a div and then use jqModal to display that div as a modal dialog. The problem is that the div is displayed but not with my updated html.

I'm showing my jqModal dialog in the response from a jquery call, function foo is called from an onclick event:

function foo(url)
        type: "GET",
        url: url,
        success: function(msg)

ajaxmodal is a simple div.

Initially I thought the problem must be in the html snippet (msg) I'm passing to the callback, but I don't think that's it, I get the err (see below) even when I comment out the $('#ajaxmodal').html(msg) line or pass it hardcode html. I think I have jqModal configured correctly, other calls using our ajaxmodal div work correctly, I'm able to display the modal, update the content based the server response, etc.

When I try to debug in firebug, I get the following error following the call to .jqmShow(). I have seen the err on occasion in other places when it seemed maybe the page hadn't loaded yet, and I confess I'm confused about that, since we've wrapped our jqModal selectors in a $(document).ready() call, so maybe I have a larger issue that this call just happens to trigger?

From the jquery.jqModal.js file, line 64: js err is $(':input:visible',h.w)[0] is undefined in the line:


When I step through this in firefox, h.w[0] seems ok, it references our '#ajaxmodal' div.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions in tracking this down?


I'm not familiar with jqModal, but you might want to try


Rather than


I'm not sure if that will help, but it's worth a shot

Chris Thompson
Hi Chris, thanks - I did actually already try that, to no avail.

Found a soln to my problem, posting the result in case it helps someone else, though I don't quite understand it.

The issue (I think) has something to do with ajaxmodal not quite being initializel as a jqModal element when I make .html() call. Calling .jqmShow initializes the div with our default text. I had thought putting this in document ready function was sufficient to initialize the dialog:

$('#ajaxmodal').jqm({ajax: '@href', trigger: 'a[rel*=modal]', ajaxText: 'Loading...'});

but to solve my problem I had to reverse the calls:

$('#ajaxmodal').jqmShow(); $('#ajaxmodal').html(msg);

Very interesting, gotta love those life-cycle issues!
Chris Thompson

This question is a little on the old side, but this was one of the only results I could find on google for a similar situation so I thought I'd share my experience.

The line in question in jqModal is attempting to focus the first input element it finds within your pop-up form, and if there is none, an exception is thrown. This is why it is in the exception block - nothing bad happens if you disable firebug.

However, if you are like me and find errors bubbling up to be a bit on the annoying side, a workaround is to add a dummy input element to the element you are executing jqmShow on.
