Take a look at this Strip HTML tags from a string using regular expressions
You can use something like this
string strwithouthtmltag;
strwithouthtmltag = Regex.Replace(strWithHTMLTags, "<[^>]*>", string.Empty)
If you are just storing text for indexing then you probably want to do a bit more than just remove the HTML, such as ignoring stop-words and removing words shorter than (say) 3 characters. However, a simple tag and stripper I once wrote goes something like this:
public static string StripTags(string value)
if (value == null)
return string.Empty;
string pattern = @"&.{1,8};";
value = Regex.Replace(value, pattern, " ");
pattern = @"<(.|\n)*?>";
return Regex.Replace(value, pattern, string.Empty);
It's old and I'm sure it can be optimised (perhaps using a compiled reg-ex?). But it does work and may help...
You could:
- Use a plain old TEXTAREA (styled for height/width/font/etc.) rather than TinyMCE.
- Use TinyMCE's built-in configuration options for stripping unwanted HTML.
- Use HtmlDecode(RegEx.Replace(mystring, "<[^>]+>", "")) on the server.
Here's Jeff Atwood's RefactorMe code link for his Sanitize HTML method
I downloaded the HtmlAgilityPack and created this function:
string StripHtml(string html)
// create whitespace between html elements, so that words do not run together
html = html.Replace(">","> ");
// parse html
var doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
// strip html decoded text from html
string text = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(doc.DocumentNode.InnerText);
// replace all whitespace with a single space and remove leading and trailing whitespace
return Regex.Replace(text, @"\s+", " ").Trim();
As you may have malformed HTML in the system: BeautifulSoup or similar could be used.
It is written in Python; I am not sure how it could be interfaced - using the .NET language IronPython?