I have a CSS dropdown menu which is working great in IE7, FF, Safari, and Opera (on PC, haven't been able to test on Mac yet).
Unfortunately in IE6 - which my clients on this project are all using, urgh - the menu stretches too wide and covers the site logo. Also, none of the dropdowns work.
To some extent I could live with the dropdowns not working in IE6, but I can't have the menu covering the logo.
The site uses a modified version of http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-css-drop-down-menu/. I had to modify it to make the top level items not fixed-width, which is probably what's screwing up IE6. I've tried using _width:1px; _overflow:hidden; and an array of other IE6 hacks but nothing has worked.
It took a bit of doing to get the menu working in the browsers where it's working now, so answers that rely on IE6-specific styles rather than recoding from the top down would be fantaaastic! THANK YOU!!