



I'd like to get hold of version 2.0.50727.832 of System.Windows.Forms.dll - does anyone know where I can find it, without installing the correpsonding version of the .NET Framework?

Background: A customer has just reported a crash in my product. I believe it's due to a bug in a previous version of the .NET framework, which is fixed in the version I'm running.

I think I know how to work around the bug, but I could know for sure if I could load the customer's version of the DLL into Reflector and examine the offending code.

Edit: I'd rather not ask the customer to send it, because I don't know for certain that doing so would be legal.


Ask the customer to send it to you, since it's already on their machine.

I'd rather not ask the customer to send it, because I don't know for certain that doing so would be legal.
+1  A: 

Have your user look in the following folder:


The dll should be there, you can have them use the properties dialog to check the version.



Joe Pitz
I'd rather not ask the customer to send it, because I don't know for certain that doing so would be legal.
I do not see a licensing issue with this. You are the author of the program. Downloading the .net framework from Microsoft is free. You have a legal license of Visual Studio and it is your application.
Joe Pitz
+1  A: 

OK, I've figured it out, or at least I have for version 2.0.50727.42:

  • Download the .NET 2.0 installer from here:
  • Open netframework20.exe in a Zip tool and unzip it
  • Run msiexec /a netfx.msi /qb TARGETDIR="C:\Some-Folder" to unpack the MSI
  • System.Windows.Forms.dll is now in C:\Some-Folder\Win\Microsoft.NET\Framework\URTInstallPath

Cool. I can now see Microsoft's silly off-by-one bug in the old version, and not in my current version. I can safely assume that the bug is in the customer's version as well, and I now know for sure that my workaround will work for him.
