



Since J2ME apps have so many possible devices they can run on, there's lots to consider during each step of development.

Are there websites that help you with the design process?

  • Statistics of API and MIDP version availability on phones of all manufacturers?
  • Browsing of APIs and Classes available by category?
  • Articles and reviews of APIs?
+1  A: 

Just one web site can have all you need in the same place:

SUN Java ME: Java ME at a Glance

I think you can trust it as authoritative without any doubt! :)

+2  A: 

JBenchmark rates phones based on Midp 1.0/2.0, 3D Graphics, SVG, and various other parameters. Probably what you are looking for. Check out the results tab over there.

Kevin Boyd
+1  A: 

Check out the Java Verified initiative in particular the handset support list which is useful for testing
