If IE8 is already opened then my app will be started in non-debug mode rather than debug mode. Visual Studio "lets go of it".
Why that is and how to change it?
Expected and Desired Behaviour
With my previous installation if IE7 wasn't running, Visual Studio would start IE7 and load the application into a new tab. If IE was running Visual Studio would simply pop a fresh tab into the currently running instance. Either way I "always" got debug mode when i asked for it.
using: Visual Studio 2005/ IE 8
Project Properties: Servers: Use Visual Studio Development Server is ticked.
Problem is IE8/VS2005 specific. See XpiritO links for the answer and also follow this msdn blog link for additional information about the registry fix and what you are actually doing when using that method to resolve the problem. As i understand it, you're essentially killing off the benefits of the new Loosely Coupled IE (LCIE) framework of IE8 by setting TabProcGrowth=0, which may or may not be a desirable trade off.