I have to test a method out on my asp.net application that should work on https. Is there a way where I can run the application on localhost on https so I can debug it?
Yep, get yourself a self-signed cert and install it. Generally, though, I'd just disable the need for SSL in the local dev environment.
Noon Silk
2009-08-31 08:48:57
YOu could create a self signed SSL certificate and then create a web app with SSL and your self signed certificate on your local machine in IIS (use a URL like http://dummy.test and add that to the hosts file in the c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc folder, have it point to, then start VS, attach to the w3wp.exe process and you can debug.
Create a self-signed SSL certificate with IIS 6.0 Resource Kit SelfSSL
2009-08-31 08:50:02