




Hi folks,

changing a static resource during runtine is something that sounds not possible.

I have a TextBox which displays a simple number. Then I have defined a style, which changes the Template of the TextBox to become a round TextBox:

<Style x:Key="RoundNumberDisplay" TargetType="TextBox">
        <Setter Property="Width" Value="22"/>
        <Setter Property="Height" Value="22"/>

        <Setter Property="Template">

                        <Border x:Name="brd1" Width="20" Height="20" CornerRadius="15">
                            <TextBlock x:Name="txt1" Foreground="#222" TextAlignment="center" Text="1" FontSize="14" FontWeight="ExtraBold" VerticalAlignment="center" />
                                <RadialGradientBrush GradientOrigin=".3, .3">
                                    <GradientStop Color="{StaticResource ColorBackground1}" Offset=".15"/>
                                    <GradientStop Color="{StaticResource ColorForeground1}" Offset="1"/>



As you can see, the displayed text is "hard-wired" in the TextBlock "txt1". So obviously, I can't change the number during runtime.

My question now is: What is the best way to change the displayed number? Creating a Style for each number looks a bit ineffective to me.

Thanks in advance, Frank


The Style is just the look of the control, so in practice you'll need to re-use this style multiple times. A purist might say you shouldn't include data like the numbers (which must mean something in your application context) in a Style. So you could vary the number displayed when you use the style:

<TextBox Style={StaticResource RoundNumberDisplay} x:Name="TextBoxOne" Text="1"/>

Even then, you might prefer to bind Text to your ViewModel (or whatever you use for data) and pull the number from there. Either one is Ok imo.

James Cadd
As i don't use the Text-property of the target TextBox, but the Text-property of the TextBlock "txt1" of the ControlTemplate to display the Text, the TextBox' Text-property value is overridden. I need to use TemplateBinding to get the Text-Value from the target TextBox to the TextBlock (see my self-answer)
+1  A: 

TemplateBinding to be able to set the value of the txt1-Text-Property from the target TextBox. Important: The target-type for the ControlTemplate must be set!

    <Style ...

                    <ControlTemplate **TargetType="TextBox"**>

                            <TextBlock x:Name="txt1" Foreground="#222" TextAlignment="center" **Text="{TemplateBinding Text}"** FontSize="14" FontWeight="ExtraBold" VerticalAlignment="center" />