This page:
...lists hightlights of release 5.7/OTP R13A. Note this passage:
1.2 Unicode support
Support for Unicode is implemented as
described in EEP10. Formatting and
reading of unicode data both from
terminals and files is supported by
the io and io_lib modules. Files can
be opened in modes with automatic
translation to and from different
unicode formats. The module 'unicode'
contains functions for conversion
between external and internal unicode
formats and the re module has support
for unicode data. There is also
language syntax for specifying string
and character data beyond the
ISO-latin-1 range.
I don't like to make pronouncements on what best practices would be, but I often find it helpful to have a minimal, complete example to start to generalize from. Here's one of getting utf into an erlang application and sending it out again to a different context. Assuming you had a MySql database with a row field in a table containing utf8 characters, here's one way to get it out and pipe it to a web browser as json:
hg clone webmachine-read-only
cd webmachine-read-only
./scripts/new_webmachine.erl mywebdemo /tmp
svn checkout erlang-mysql-driver-read-only
cd erlang-mysql-driver-read-only/src
cp * /tmp/mywebdemo/src
svn checkout mochiweb-read-only
cp mochiweb-read-only/src/mochijson2.erl /tmp/mywebdemo/src
cd /tmp/mywebdemo
Edit src/mywebdemo_resource.erl so it looks like this:
-export([init/1, to_html/2]).
init([]) -> {ok, undefined}.
to_html(ReqData, State) ->
mysql:start_link(pool_id, "", 3306, "db_user", "db_password", "db_name", fun(A, B, C, D) -> ouch end, utf8), %% add your connection string info
{data, Res} = mysql:fetch(pool_id, "select * from table where IdWhatever = 13"),
[[_, Utf8Str, _]] = mysql:get_result_rows(Res), %% pattern will need to be altered to match your table structure
{mochijson2:encode({struct, [{Utf8Str, 100}]}), ReqData, State}.
Build everything and start the url dispatcher:
Then execute the following in a web page (or something more convenient, like MozRepl):
var req = new XMLHttpRequest;'GET', "http://localhost:8000", false);
eval("(" + req.responseText + ")");