I am generating the UI for a settings page. The settings are stored within a Dictionary as the settings will be different for each object in question.
The ScrollableHeight of a ScrollViewer is not acurate to the size of the content. When the content of the ScrollViewer changes the ScrollableHeight is not reset, but appends the height of the new content.
I am generating content within a Grid, which is a child element within the ScrollViewer. The content being RowDefinitions where name-value pairs are displayed as TextBlocks and TextBoxes. When a different object is selected in order to edit its properties, the Grid's Children are cleared and the UI to display the properties is regenerated. As I mentioned before in the problem defintion, the generated content's height is appended to the ScrollViewer's ScrollableHeight property.
What I have learned:
My first thought was to clear the ScrollViewer's ScrollableHeight and for each row added append the height of the row in order to achieve the correct size. The issue is that ScrollableHeight cannot be set (private setter).
<ScrollViewer Name="svScroller" Grid.Row="0">
<Grid x:Name="gdPropertyGrid" Margin="10">
<ColumnDefinition Width="35*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="65*" />
//Get Selected Item
var listBox = ((ListBox)sender);
var provider = listBox.SelectedItem as IProviderConfiguration;
if (provider != null)
tbTitle.Text = String.Format("Properties for {0}",provider.Name);
int rowCount = 0;
//Get properties
foreach (var property in provider.Properties)
//Create Grid Row
var rowDef = new RowDefinition() {Height = new GridLength(30)};
//Create Name Label
var tbPropertyName = new TextBlock {
Text = property.Key,
VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center
//Create Value input
var tbPropertyValue = new TextBox {
Text = property.Value.ToString(),
VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center
//Add TextBlock & TextBox Grid
//Set Grid.Row Attached property
Grid.SetRow(tbPropertyName, rowCount);
Grid.SetRow(tbPropertyValue, rowCount);
Grid.SetColumn(tbPropertyValue, 1);