I am working on a database that has an existing Individuals table that every user type derives from. In other words, there are tables like:
Individual: FirstName, LastName, Email,
etc.<lots more
Employee: IndividualId
Customer: IndividualId
Now, I want to add new type of user (WeirdPerson) that does not derive from Individual. (WeirdPerson has significantly less data associated with it than any Individual, and I really don't want to set practically every field in Individual to null for a WeirdPerson.)
I need a key field to use on a table that will have entries from WeirdPersons and entries from Individuals. This suggests map tables like so:
MashedupIndividuals: MashedupId, IndividualId
MashedupWeirdPerson: MashedupId, WeirdPersonId
I want MashedupId to be an auto-generated field. Since I'm using TSQL, an identity seems a good choice. Except that MashedupId is split across two tables. I considered yet another table:
MashedupIds: MashedupId
Set MashedupId to be an identity, and then make it a foreign key in MashedupIndividuals and MashedupWeirdPerson.
Is this the best way to proceed forward? How would you solve this?
EDIT: To clarify, the only piece of information I have for a WeirdPerson is an email address. I considered pulling the email field out of Individual, and then making a new GlobalPerson table with only GlobalPersonId and Email. The GlobalPerson table (or whatever better name I use) doesn't feel as natural as separating WeirdPerson as an entirely different type. However... I am willing to reconsider this position.