There are a couple of things I had to do in order to get this to work. First, when dynamically generating the HTML, I assigned a unique class to all of the elements I wanted to make clickable (and simulate the onclick behavior). After the display had been generated, I pulled all spans on the page as such:
var span = document.getElementsByTagName('span');
and then iterated through them, adding an event listener to the ones where I needed a clickable action:
for(var i=0; i<span.length; i++){
if (span[i].className == "firstUniqueClass") {
span[i].addEventListener("click", firstUniqueFunction, false);
} else if (span[i].className == "secondUniqueClass") {
span[i].addEventListener("click", secondUniqueFunction, false);
In short, what this gives me is the ability to assign a function whenever there's a click event on one of those spans. Unfortunately, I also wanted to pass variables to my functions. I ended up having to encode those in the element, in pseudo-RDF, and then decoding it in the function. For instance, if I added 'data:url=""', I'd regenerate it as such:
function copyLink(event) {
var startPos = event.currentTarget.outerHTML.indexOf('data:url="') + 10;
var endPos = event.currentTarget.outerHTML.indexOf('"', startPos + 2);
var link = event.currentTarget.outerHTML.slice(startPos, endPos);
Tada. A hackish way to reenable the onclick event in Adobe AIR.