Yes, performance will be degraded slightly for each subform. One or three isn't too bad but twenty is definitely going to cause you performance issues.
Once you have the subform working to your satisfaction either save the Record Source as a query and give it a name or save the query SQL string. Then either paste the query name or the query SQL string in the VBA code in the tab control change event.
Private Sub TabCtl_Change()
On Error GoTo TabCtl_Change_Error
Select Case Me.TabCtl.Value
Case Me.pagPartsConsumed.PageIndex
If Me.PartsConsumedsbf.Form.RecordSource <> "Equipment - Parts Consumed sbf" Then _
Me.PartsConsumedsbf.Form.RecordSource = "Equipment - Parts Consumed sbf"
Now just to ensure that I don't accidentally leave some subform recordsources filled in slowing down the app on startup I check to see if the file the code is running is an MDB (instead of an MDE. The function is below) then display a message telling me I have to remove the recordsource.
If Not tt_IsThisAnMDE Then
If Me.PartsConsumedsbf.Form.RecordSource <> "" Then _
MsgBox "Record source of Equipment - Parts Consumed sbf not empty"
End If
Public Function tt_IsThisAnMDE()
On Error GoTo tagError
Dim dbs As Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Dim strMDE As String
On Error Resume Next
strMDE = dbs.Properties("MDE")
If Err = 0 And strMDE = "T" Then
' This is an MDE database.
tt_IsThisAnMDE = True
tt_IsThisAnMDE = False
End If
Exit Function
Call LogError(Application.CurrentObjectName, "")
Exit Function
End Function
Also in the form unload event I clear the Recourd Source as well.
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Form_Unload_Error
Me.PartsConsumedsbf.Form.RecordSource = ""
BTW I almost always would put each subform on a seperate tab. Also that many tab entries gets visusally unwieldy. When I had a similar question my fellow Access MVPs suggested using a listbox along the left hand side to control which subform is viewable.
Also each combo box and list box will also slightly degrade the performance. So if you have those on a subform then consider similar logic.