



I'm trying to access a Sql filestream from a CLR stored procedure. I've set up a very simple database with a single table which includes a filestream column. I can successfully read from the filestream using a simple console app. Here's some example code for the proc that fails:

public static void GetDataFromFileStream(string path, out int data)
    using (var connection = new SqlConnection("context connection=true"))

        var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction();

        var transactionContext = GetTransactionContext(connection, transaction);

        // the following line throws an exception
        var sqlFileStream = new SqlFileStream(path, transactionContext, FileAccess.Read);

        var buffer = new byte[4];
        sqlFileStream.Read(buffer, 0, 4);

        data = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 0);

private static byte[] GetTransactionContext(SqlConnection connection, SqlTransaction transaction)
    using (var cmd = connection.CreateCommand())
        const string myGetTxContextQuery = "SELECT GET_FILESTREAM_TRANSACTION_CONTEXT()";
        cmd.CommandText = myGetTxContextQuery;
        cmd.CommandTimeout = 60;
        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
        cmd.Transaction = transaction;
        return (byte[])cmd.ExecuteScalar();

An exception is thrown when trying to construct the SqlFileStream instance:

System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception occurred Message="The request is not supported" Source="System.Data" ErrorCode=-2147467259 NativeErrorCode=50

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


You need to elevate permissions by impersonating the person who's executing the query.

Here is a good example of doing the impersonation:

Crappy Coding Guy

Did you use WITH PERMISSION_SET = EXTERNAL_ACCESS when creating the assembly in SQL Server? By default CREATE ASSEMBLY uses SAFE permission set, which doesn't include FileIOPermissions, required by SqlFileStream constructor.

Pawel Marciniak
Yes, the assembly is using the EXTERNAL_ACCESS permission. Unfortunately I've had no time to investigate further, but plan to do so sometime soon. I will report back with any progress I make.

I was unable to use SqlFileStream to access the filestreams directly from within the CLR (because of the problems identified above). The solution I eventually adopted was to use a SQL stored procedure to get hold of the subset of filestream data I needed. Although this is not particularly efficient in some scenarios, it sufficed for my application

    CREATE PROC ReadFromFilestream
        @pfilestreamGUID    UNIQUEIDENTIFIER,
        @pOffsetIntoData    INT,
        @pLengthOfData      INT,
        @pData              VARBINARY(MAX) OUTPUT
        SELECT @pData  = SUBSTRING(ValueData, @pOffsetIntoData, @pLengthOfData)
          FROM [MESL].DataStream
         WHERE DataStreamGUID = @pfilestreamGUID;