



Having an interesting issue. I'm reading from an excel file on a server via an OpenRowset in Sql2005. I've run the query a number of times without any problems. I've just gone out for a quick meeting and suddenly I get the error "Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "(null)""

I've made sure the files are not in use on the server and even deleted them and recopied them over onto the server and still I'm getting the same error.

UPDATE: This only seems to happen if I join two selects from different openrowsets. If I run the queries individually they still work fine. I have done the join before without any issues. Ideas?

+1  A: 

We ended up restarting the database server and that seemed to solve the problem. Maybe the files were getting locked somehow. We'll never know for sure though


The problem comes because the Temp folder of the User under which the SQL server service is running isn't accessible under the credentials which the query is running. Try to to set the security of this temp folder with minimal restrictions. The dsn that gets created every time you run an openrowset query then can be recreated without any credentials conflict. This worked for me without any restart requirements.




/* Linked server between local(Client) SQL server and Remote SQL server 2005*/

USE master GO -- To use named parameters: Add linked server in the source (Local machine - eg: MachineName or LocalSeverLoginName)

sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'LnkSrv_RemoteServer_TEST', @srvproduct=N'', -- Leave it blank when its not 'SQL Server' @provider=N'SQLNCLI', -- see notes @datasrc=N'RemoteServerName', @provstr=N'UID=sa;PWD=sa;' --,@catalog = N'MYDATABASE' eg: pubs GO

/* Note: To check provider name use the folling query in the destination server Select Provider From sys.servers


-- Optional --EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'LnkSrv_RemoteServer_TEST', 'true' -- (self is true) -- for LocalSeverLoginName --GO

-- Remote login sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname = 'LnkSrv_RemoteServer_TEST', @useself = 'False', @rmtuser = 'sa', @rmtpassword = 'sa' GO

-- OR /* IF the above add linked server login failed then try in the Linked Server (LnkSrv_RemoteServer_TEST) Property Select -> Security - > 'For a login not defined in the list above, Connection will:'

Choose - > Be made using this security context SET Remote login: sa With password: sa


-- Test server connection declare @srvr nvarchar(128), @retval int; set @srvr = 'LnkSrv_RemoteServer_TEST'; begin try exec @retval = sys.sp_testlinkedserver @srvr; end try begin catch set @retval = sign(@@error); end catch; if @retval <> 0 raiserror('Unable to connect to server. This operation will be tried later!', 16, 2 );

-- OR

BEGIN TRY EXEC sp_testlinkedserver N'LnkSrv_RemoteServer_TEST'; END TRY BEGIN CATCH PRINT 'Linked Server not available'; RETURN;


-- Get access linked server database SET xact_abort ON GO


-- OR SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(LnkSrv_RemoteServer_TEST, 'SELECT * FROM DBName.dbo.tblName') GO

-- OR SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(LnkSrv_RemoteServer_TEST, 'SELECT * FROM sys.databases Order by name')


Prakash - Savvysoft Technology