It is better to say Character Encoding instead of Codepage
A Character Encoding is a way to map some character to some data (and also vice-versa!)
As Wikipedia says:
A character encoding system consists of a code that pairs each character from a given repertoire with something else, such as a sequence of natural numbers, octets or electrical pulses, in order to facilitate the transmission of data (generally numbers and/or text) through telecommunication networks or storage of text in computers
Most popular character encodings are ASCII,UTF-16 and UTF-8
First code-page that widely used in computers. in ANSI just one byte is allocated for each character. So ANSI could have a very limited set of characters (English letters, Numbers,...)
As I said, ASCII used videly in old operating systems like MS-DOS. But ASCII is not dead and still used. When you have a txt file with 10 characters and it is 10 bytes, you have a ASCII file!
In UTF-16, Two bytes is allocated of a character. So we can have 65536 different characters in UTF-16 !
Microsoft Windows uses UTF-16 internally.
UTF-8 is another popular way for encoding characters. it uses variable-length bytes (1byte to 4bytes) for characters. It is also compatible with ASCII because uses 1byte for ASCII characters.
Most Unix based systems uses UTF-8
Programming languages do not depend on code-pages. Maybe a specific implementation of a programming language do not support codepages (like Turbo C++)
You can use any code-page in modern programming languages. They also have some tools for converting the code-pages.
There is different Unicode versions like Utf-7,Utf-8,... You can read about them here (recommanded!) and maybe for more formal details here