I'm getting awful lot of spam to my forums where only registered users can post and captcha is in use. What could we best solution to stop spammers registering to my forums?
I've had some success by making the image a background of a DIV (instead of using an IMG element). Most spam bots ignore background CSS styles.
If you want to make life a little bit harder for the spammers, leave the IMG in, use an different image in there, and set it to display: none;
. The bot will have a hard time to figure out that the IMG isn't visible.
Aaron Digulla
2009-09-01 14:43:30
There are a number of MOD's available to stop spam on phpBB, aswell as a helpful FAQ at http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=1861645 that explains them.