




Hello All! I was running a Delphi(4) exe . It ran well for few seconds, then raised the error

project "ctsMgr.exe" raised exception class EDBEngineError with message "unknown database. Alais:PerDBS". Process stopped. Use Step or Run to continue.

Does the above error imply that Database named "perDBS " is undefined? Should I "Step" or "run" to continue?

Regards -Vas

+3  A: 

More likely it means that the alias "PerDBS" exists, but is pointing at a nonexistant DB. Hit run, then fix the alias in BDE Administrator or SQL Explorer, then re-run the application.

If you don't see an alias for PerDBS (in either tool) at all, you'll need to create one.

You don't say which DB the app uses. This article explains how to set up an alias for dBase. But the BDE supports many other DB engines. Others are set up similarly, but have different options.

Craig Stuntz
+1  A: 

Did you verify that the alias PerDBS exists and point to a valid DB?
Look in the BDE Admin (Control Panel / BDE Administrator) in the Databases tab:
You should see PerDBS under Databases root and you should be able to open it (click the + sign, it turns green and display the info in the Definition tab)
