A while ago I wrote a plan management system for the council that I work for, which lets us store all the old and new plans in digital format with information associated with via a access database(I didn't know MS SQL server at the time).
Each plan has a unique plan ID which is just a auto incrementing int (primary key), a title and the path to the picture. At the time, I just used a GUID as the picture name to insure uniqueness and I'm just wondering if this was a bad move.
All the pictures are moved into one central folder at the time of import so there names have to be unqiue.
I was thinking that maybe I should have just used the auto incrementing int as the name of the file rather the long and not very user/debug friendly GUID.
What would you do?
EDIT: Sorry forgot to mention that the files are really only known by the software, after the import the program creates a shortcut to the file in the folder it was imported from with the name of the original file. I did this so that people could still get to the document without having to go through the program and so old hyperlinks etc worked.