



Hello, I'm really new to Castle Windsor IoC container. I wanted to know if theres a way to store session variables using the IoC container. I was thinking something in the line of this:

I want to have a class to store search options:

public interface ISearchOptions{
    public string Filter{get;set;}
    public string SortOrder{get;set;}

public class SearchOptions{
    public string Filter{get;set;}
    public string SortOrder{get;set;}

And then inject that into the class that has to use it:

public class SearchController{
    private ISearchOptions _searchOptions;
    public SearchController(ISearchOptions searchOptions){

then in my web.config, where I configure castle I want to have something like:

        <component id="searchOptions" service="Web.Models.ISearchOptions, Web" type="Web.Models.SearchOptions, Web" lifestyle="PerSession" />

And have the IoC container handle the session object without having to explicitly access it myself.

How can I do this?


EDIT: Been doing some research. Basically, what I want is to have the a session Scoped component. I come from Java and Spring Framework and there I have session scoped beans which I think are very useful to store session data.


It sounds like you are on the right track, but your SearchOptions class needs to implement ISearchOptions:

public class SearchOptions : ISearchOptions { ... }

You also need to tell Windsor that your SearchController is a component, so you may want to register that in the web.config as well, although I prefer to do it from code instead (see below).

To make Windsor pick up your web.config, you should instantiate it like this:

var container = new WindsorContainer(new XmlInterpreter());

To make a new instance of SearchController, you can then simply do this:

var searchController = container.Resolve<SearchController>();

To register all Controllers in a given assembly using convention-based techniques, you can do something like this:

    .ConfigureFor<IController>(reg => reg.LifeStyle.Transient));
Mark Seemann
+2  A: 

Hi, this might be what your looking for.

public class PerSessionLifestyleManager : AbstractLifestyleManager
 private readonly string PerRequestObjectID = "PerSessionLifestyleManager_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

 public override object Resolve(CreationContext context)
  if (HttpContext.Current.Session[PerRequestObjectID] == null)
   // Create the actual object
   HttpContext.Current.Session[PerRequestObjectID] = base.Resolve(context);

  return HttpContext.Current.Session[PerRequestObjectID];

 public override void Dispose()

And then add

        customLifestyleType="Namespace.PerSessionLifestyleManager, Namespace"  
        service="IInterface, Namespace"
        type="Type, Namespace">
Carl Bergquist
Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for.
Me too! Thanks.
Mr. Flibble