



I am trying to use jqModal in my .net/mvc app to do simple jquery modal popups. I have a table where I list out records and have an "edit" button to popup a modal dialog to do the edits. When I submit, I hide the modal popup and refresh the table listing below using the .ajax() method.

However, now when I click on the "edit" page, jqModal isn't firing and instead it just goes to my edit page directly (rather than the modal popup).

I've tried to re-inject the jqModal scripts after the ajax callback but that doesn't work either. Any help appreciated!!!

    type: "GET",
    url: "HomePage/ViewTimelineFeatures",
    dataType: "html",
    success: function(result) {
            // Now re-initialize jqModals here doesn't work...
+2  A: 

You have to add in the triggers again after updating the html. I had this exact same problem.

WHen you call $("#blah").jqmodal... it sets up the trigger on the .jqmodal class to load your content in the modal. I'm assuming you're loading these with ajax? So something like:


I'm a bit confused by your above ajax code, is this doing a save of the item you've edited? This wouldn't normally be a get, but a put. Anyway, it looks like you render out the table with the updated data and replace the existing one. After


You need


To add the triggers again on your edit links (assuming you used .jqModal in the first place) If you want to paste in some html/ajax code I can verify this.
