What is the standard/best practice for reading external property files for a J2EE app in geronimo?
This is explained here
and here (for IBM WASCE, which is basically same as G)
http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=2359&context=SS6JMN&dc=DB560&dc=DB520&uid =swg21266061&loc=en_US&cs=UTF-8&lang=en&rss=ct2359websphere
You could also implement it using SharedLib GBean.
<sys:gbean name="MyProps"class="org.apache.geronimo.system.sharedlib.SharedLib">
<attribute name="classesDirs">var/MyPropsDirectory</attribute>
<!-- the directory %Geronimo_Install%/var would be my best choice to place
such files and I belive is the best practice way to do this-->
<reference name="ServerInfo">
Cited from here
Kevin Boyd
2009-09-02 17:51:49