I'm trying to get this css layout to work with IE7 and I'm a bit stuck. Any thoughts on how I can get the form to look like it does in FF and Chrome without changing the page structure? I know there are some IE specific CSS hacks out there, but I'm not totally sure how to apply them.
In FF and Chrome the form correctly displays the form as follows:
first last
city state zip
occupation bday
In IE the form is all jumbled:
title last state zip
form label { float: left; margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; }
form input { width:100%; }
form select { width:100%; }
form label.field-title { width: 50px; clear: left; }
form label.field-title select { width: 50px; }
form label.field-first { width: 150px; clear: left; }
form label.field-last { width: 150px; }
form label.field-street{ width: 310px; clear: left; }
form label.field-city { width: 150px; clear: left; }
form label.field-state { width: 70px; }
form label.field-zip { width: 70px; }
form label.field-occupation { width:150px; clear:left; }
form label.field-bday { width:150px; }
<legend>Basic Information</legend>
<label class="field-title">
Title *<select name="EmployeeName.Title">
<option value="Mr.">Mr.</option>
<option value="Mrs.">Mrs.</option>
<option value="Ms.">Ms.</option>
<label class="field-first">
First Name *<input name='first' /></label>
<label class="field-last">
Last Name *<input name='last' /></label>
<label class="field-street">
Street *<input name='street' /></label>
<label class="field-city">
City *<input name='city' /></label>
<label class="field-state">
State *<select name='state' >
<label class="field-zip">
Zip *<input name='zip' /></label>
<label class="field-occupation">
Occupation *<input name='occupation' /></label>
<label class="field-bday">
Birth Day *<input name='bday' /></label>
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