



Hi there, I have a ASP.NET 3.5 website running on Windows Server 2003 and I'm using the ASP.NET State Service to manage sessions. It will appear to be working then I regularly get an error saying my code needs to have version 2.0 of the State Service running to work (I think that's what it said, I've temporarily switched back to storing sessions InProc). Refresh the page and the error goes away (for a bit, it's bound to come back).

So I looked at the properties of the ASP.NET State Service in the Services interface and it's mapping to a .exe in the 1.1 framework folder:


There's a corresponding version in the 2.0 framework folder, but I don't know how to add it as a new service. I'm also not sure that adding the 2.0 version (and stopping and/or removing the 1.1 version) will solve the problem.

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide.



You can run aspnet_regiis -? From the framework 2.0 directory to update the web site.

Shiraz Bhaiji
This command just outputs the ASP.NET Registration Options. I'm reluctant to trigger a complete re-install of the .NET2.0 framework, as what I have is working well - it's just the session state service that is playing up.
Mick Byrne

OK, found a solution somewhere else that appears to have worked. Almost the same as the above answer:

  • Go to .NET2.0 directory in command prompt
  • run 'aspnet_regiis -i -enable'
  • computer sits there chewing for a minute and then it all seems to be working.

I checked the 'ASP.NET State Service' in the Services console and it's now pointing to the .NET2.0 version (not the .NET1.1).

The only strange thing I did that may have led to this scenario was to install .NET3.5 straight onto a box that previously only had .NET1.1 installed. I figured it would put .NET2.0 in along the way (which it kind of did), but must have forgotten about the session thing.

Mick Byrne

Are you by any chance using Virtuozzo? I am experiencing the same issue.

The site is hosted at a VPS hosting environment - I'm not 100% sure of the virtualisation software they're running but I suspect it is Virtuozzo. For the record, I still don't believe I've found a complete solution to this problem.
Mick Byrne