I have a grails tag library TpTagLib and in it I want to define 4 new tags that differ only in one constant value, so I tried to use curry. But there is an exception: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: attr for class: TpTagLib
Does anyone have any idea why this exception occurs? Here is the code:
def ifPermsTag = { permissions, attr, body ->
def user = attr?.user ?: session.userInstance
if( !user ) return false
if( !securityService.hasPermissions(user,permissions) ) return false
out << body()
return true
def canAdminRequestmaps = ifPermsTag.curry(Permission.CAN_ADMIN_REQUESTMAPS)
def canAdminCorporations = ifPermsTag.curry(Permission.CAN_ADMIN_CORPS)
def canAdminUsers = ifPermsTag.curry(Permission.CAN_ADMIN_USERS)
def canAdminDevices = ifPermsTag.curry(Permission.CAN_ADMIN_DEVICES)