Hi, I hade build sctive record dal with subsonic3 Vb.net templates. and i am dealing with alot of bugs in the sub sonic dlls.
1)in Add() function: (i have fix) when indx has counter in the db the returnd new key type is decimal the active record fil have an exception "Public member 'Change Type To' n type 'Decimal' not found". i managed to fix this bug. i changed in the activeRecord template the sub
Public Sub SetKeyValue(value As Object) Implements IActiveRecord.SetKeyValue
If value IsNot Nothing AndAlso value IsNot DBNull.Value Then
Dim settable = value.ChangeTypeTo(Of <#=tbl.PK.SysType#>)()
Me.GetType.GetProperty(Me.KeyName()).SetValue(Me, settable, Nothing)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub SetKeyValue(value As Object) Implements IActiveRecord.SetKeyValue
If value IsNot Nothing AndAlso value IsNot DBNull.Value Then
Dim settable = CType( value, <#=tbl.PK.SysType#>)
Me.GetType.GetProperty(Me.KeyName()).SetValue(Me, settable, Nothing)
End If
End Sub
2)in Update function() function:(I Have Fixed) the update never do the work . after debuging it apeard that the sql statment of the update never have the "SET" dection of the query its always Like: UPDATE [tableName] WHERE ... It seems there is a problem in the Subsonic.Repository dll -- > IRepository The Dirty Colums not apdated in new object for example :
- Dim Cat as db.Category
- Cat.Indx=1
- Cat.SetIsNew(False)
- Cat.Name= 'Motors'
- Cat.Update
Why when update there is no DirtyColumns How can i set Column as Dirty?
--Update problem resolved its not a bug.-- Resolved by adding after line 3 : CAT.SetIsLoaded(True) . So when the propety IsLoaded is set to tru any column updated will be added to DirtyColums and thes will be Updated To DB
3) the FirstOrDefault Function : (Couldn't fix) always i meaaaaaaaaan always throw exsiption = "Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '('." from the SubSonic.Linq dll
Pleeeeeeeeeeeease help
Thanks In advance, TheGodfather