



I have a question about XSLT.

On a website i have a simple calendar, showing events who are going on in the future.

But when an event is done, it should be removed from my list. By done i mean, that the date of the event is past the date of today.

Every event have a date attached.

Look at the folowing code:

<xsl:for-each select="$currentPage//node[@template='1238']">

    <xsl:sort data-type="text" select="./data[@alias='dato']" order="ascending"/>

    <div class="aktivitet_forside">
            ...MY EVENT CONTENT...                    


The above code will show me all events with a template='1238' and that is also correct, because that is the template of my events.

But as I mentioned before every event have a field containing a date. The field is called "dato". This is also the number I am sorting the events after, so the event with a date closest to today will be shown at the top of the list.

The format of the "dato"-field is: 2009-08-30T08:59:00

How do i automaticaly remove an event where the value of the "date"-field is past the date of today?

So if todays date is: 3th of september 2009, an event who has a date of 30th of august 2009 should not figure on the list.

+2  A: 

Assuming that you are using XSLT 1.0, If your XSLT processor supports the EXSLT extensions, you could make use of the date:difference function. There is also a plain XSLT template that is available which you can adapt to your scenario in case you do not have EXSLT natively available.


There could be another simpler version where you convert your date-time-string to become a number having the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. This will be ordered in numerically ascending order automatically(future dates/times will have a bigger number than previous dates), you could then take the current day's date-time string in the same way and do a regular numeric difference to see if the day is after or before the current date.

<xsl:variable name="newFormat" select="translate('2009-08-30T08:59:00', '-T:', '')"/>

Gives 20090830085900

In your XPath, you can do this, assuming $currDateTime is set to the right translated value and the <data> node has the date to check, you could use the below..

<xsl:for-each select="$currentPage//node[@template='1238'][data[@alias='dato' and ((number(translate(. ,'-T:', '')) - number($now)) &gt;=0)]]">
What is that EXSLT? I don't think that I have it available.Isn't there a way to do it without it?
Kim Andersen
While it would be a little time consuming to write a date difference function on your own(You have to figure out leap years, no. of days etc.) - that link I provided has a normal XSLT Template which you can include in your stylesheet, you could take a look and adapt it to your problem.
Updated a simpler solution - But this is assuming that you can get the current date-time in your XSLT stylesheet somehow, either in the input document or otherwise.
Yeah I think that this could probably work, but how do I make a regular numeric difference?If I have my current date i a varable called $now in the same format as your $newFormat.
Kim Andersen
Updated answer to add this to your stylesheet - please check it out and let me know.
I used your select in my xsl:for-each instead of the xsl:sort so it now looks like this:<xsl:for-each select="$currentPage//node[@template='1238'][data[@alias='dato' and ((number(translate(. ,'-T:', '')) - number($now)) >=0)]]">And that works :) 1+ to you and thank you very much for your help
Kim Andersen
Ok, I have updated the answer to include that in the for-each (didnt notice that previoulsy, copy pasted), Thanks - have a great day!