I have a web site already developed with tons of updatePanels, buttons, and integrated functionality.
I have to add some confirmation prompts, these prompts should be customized, and have options like 'Continue', 'Cancel' .
This is a possible scenario:
- The user writes something in one textbox, and then clicks a submit button.
- The Prompt appears.
- When the user clicks continue the page should continue with the normal flow, and when press cancel the submit action should be stopped.
I want to be the less obtrusive possible, What is the best approach to achieve this?
I can't use any library like Jquery. I can use ModalPopupExtenders, or simply styled divs.
Fundamentally the problem is when clicking this submit button, the submit action is taken and my popup does not appear, even if I add the JS function at onclick Event.
I can ClearAll submit button handlers, add the one that shows my popup, but how can I continue with the 'submit' action when the popup's 'continue' btn is clicked?