



As an optimization, I decided to put an object I frequently need - an SDL surface with a prerendered image of the entire level (called S_AreaBMP) - at global scope.
Now it doesn't have to be created and destroyed in the DrawScreen function every frame. I only need to dispose and change it when a new level or GFX sheet is loaded, which I do via this function:

Public Sub PrepareAreaImage()

    ''#dispose old image before it becomes unreferenced
    If AreaBMPExists
    End If
    AreaBMPExists = True

    ''#declare an appropriately sized bitmap w/ a GDI Graphics object
    Dim AreaBMP As Bitmap = New Bitmap(Area.W * TLDIM, Area.H * TLDIM)
    Dim AreaGrph As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(AreaBMP)

    ''#...(omitted: iterate through Area and draw each tile to AreaBMP)

    ''#Store to the SDL surface
    S_AreaBMP = New SdlDotNet.Graphics.Surface(AreaBMP)

End Sub

(AreaBMPExists and S_AreaBMP are global scope)

Question: Is this fundamentally sound?

It works fine, but I can't help but feel that this sort of thing is discouraged...

+1  A: 

You're basically making a static variable at a global scope. There isn't anything technically incorrect in doing this, but it's usually a better option to wrap this using something like the Singleton pattern. This would make it easier to control access to this, and potentially easier to wrap the resource in a way to provide better thread safety, encapsulation of this logic, etc.

Reed Copsey
I know what you're saying, but I wish the GoF had never written about Singleton. Everyone and their dog thinks it's the solution to their static variable problems.
Esteban Araya
Yeah - I agree, but there are times when a Singleton makes at least some sense. In this case, it could probably be refactored to hold the Bitmap in some form of high-level screen class, but that's beyond the scope of the question. I do think singletons are much nicer than a single static global, though - since you can at least provide some control and thread syncrhonization.
Reed Copsey

Thread safety would be my biggest concern. Particularly, what happens if PrepareAreaImage is called when it is already executing, or S_AreaBMP is accessed sometime during PrepareAreaImage()'s execution.
