




Is there some .Net mocking framework that allows to capture the actual parameter passed to method to examine it latter?

Desired code:

var foo = Mock<Foo>();
var service = Mock<IService>();
service.Expect(s => s.Create(foo));
service.Create(new Foo { Currency = "USD" });
Assert(foo.Object.Currency == "USD");

Or a bit more complex example:

Foo foo = new Foo { Title = "...", Description = "..." };
var bar = Mock.NewHook<Bar>();
var service = new Mock<IService>();
service.Expect(s => s.Create(bar));

new Controller(service.Object).Create(foo);

Assert(foo.Title == bar.Object.Title);
Assert(foo.Description == bar.Object.Description);

The idea is to get passed parameter. And then execute aseertions agains it.


If you need to assert on the parameter passed to an object, it seems you're subjecting the wrong object to your test. Instead of asserting the parameters passed to a method, write a test for the calling class that asserts the correct parameters are passed.

Tomas Lycken
I try to test that Controller.Create will create and pass correct object into IService.Create.
+2  A: 

I think you're looking for something equivalent to Moq's Callback:

var foo = Mock<Foo>();
var service = Mock<IService>();
service.Setup(s => s.Create(foo.Object)).Callback((T foo) => Assert.AreEqual("USD", foo.Currency))
service.Object.Create(new Foo { Currency = "USD" });
Blake Pettersson
Yes, this would work. Thank you!
I really like Moq. http://code.google.com/p/moq/