The following code will search all occurrences of the given word (case sensitive) in the rich edit control, change the font colour to red, and finally restore the original selection of the control (all with as little flicker as possible I hope):
procedure TForm1.FindWord(const AWord: string; AOptions: TSearchTypes);
OrigSelStart, OrigSelLen: integer;
Start, Found: integer;
if AWord = '' then
OrigSelStart := RichEdit1.SelStart;
OrigSelLen := RichEdit1.SelLength;
RichEdit1.Perform(WM_SETREDRAW, 0, 0);
Start := 0;
Found := RichEdit1.FindText(AWord, Start, MaxInt, AOptions);
while Found <> -1 do begin
RichEdit1.SelStart := Found;
RichEdit1.SelLength := Length(AWord);
// TODO: save start of search match and original font colour
RichEdit1.SelAttributes.Color := clRed;
Start := Found + Length(AWord);
Found := RichEdit1.FindText(AWord, Start, MaxInt, AOptions);
RichEdit1.SelStart := OrigSelStart;
RichEdit1.SelLength := OrigSelLen;
RichEdit1.Perform(WM_SETREDRAW, 1, 0);
Now you only need to save the matches together with the original text attributes to a list, and use the information in this list to revert all the changes on the press of Esc
. This can however get quite tricky to do correctly, if you assume that the matches may contain different font styles, colours and such. I have therefore not provided any code to save the formatting, it depends on your requirements.
Oh, make sure that the highlighted matches are removed before the text can be changed again, otherwise you will not correctly restore the original text formatting.