I googled and I see a suprising amount of flippant responses basically laughing at the asker for asking such a question.
Microchip provides some source code for free (I don't want to post it here in case that's a no-no. Basically, google AN937, click the first link and there's a link for "source code" and its a zipped file). Its in ASM and when I look at it I start to go cross-eyed. I'd like to convert it to something resembling a c type language so that I can follow along. Because lines such as:
GLOBAL _24_bit_sub
movf BARGB2,w
subwf AARGB2,f
are probably very simple but they mean nothing to me.
There must be some automated ASM to C translator out there but all I can find are people saying its impossible. Frankly, its impossible for it to be impossible. Both languages have structure and that structure surely can be translated.
thank you.