Migrating an old ASP site to .NET, and there's a load of VBScript we're porting to VB.NET.
Getting into trouble with the old property syntax, does anyone know of a tool (or other such magic) that could do this automatically?
Googled, but no joy.
Thanks Duncan
EDIT: VB Script properties look like this:
Public Property Get AgeCategoryID()
AgeCategoryID = m_AgeCategoryID
End Property
Public Property Let AgeCategoryID(Value)
End Property
VB.NET properties look like this:
Public Property ParticipationTypeID()
Return m_ParticipationType
End Get
Set(ByVal value)
m_ParticipationType = value
End Set
End Property
Other than convert them by hand, and there are lots, is there anything I can do to speed up the process?