I have a object as shown below for digital signature. How can I access it from codebehind. When I tried adding runat=server I am getting an error saying GUID cannot be more there 32 char and I am not able to access it from code behind.
<object height="113" width="225" id="IntegriSign1" data="data:application/x-oleobject;base64,p0bAhHBDkU2HN4fBL0xjxQADAABBFwAArgsAABMAAAAAABMA////AA==" classid="clsid:84C046A7-4370-4d91-8737-87C12F4C63C5" name="IntegriSign1">
This object is a COM component I added the dll reference.
Is there any way I can access it from the code behind. when I try to put runat=server I am getting the following error
Error 377 Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).