



I have the following hierarchical table:

Table Category:
CategoryId, ParentCategoryId, CategoryName
1, null, SomeRoot
2, 1, SomeChild
3, 2, SomeGrandchild
4, 3, SomeGreatGrandchild

(note this sample data doesn't include a leaf on an earlier node than level 4, but that is possible). The data will never go deeper than level 4, if that is relevant. I'd like to transform/pivot it to this fixed 4 level display

CatId, Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4
1, SomeRoot, null, null, null
2, SomeRoot, SomeChild, null, null
3, SomeRoot, SomeChild, SomeGrandchild, null
4, SomeRoot, SomeChild, SomeGrandchild, SomeGreatGrandchild

I've done left outer joining to the category table 4 times, and built a huge case statement for detecting the level to use for the ID field, but that doesn't include the null rows.... Any ideas? HELP!


Try this:

  Select C.CatId, C.Name, PC.Name, GP.Name, GGP.Name
  From Category C
    Left Join Category PC On PC.CatId = C.ParentCategoryId
    Left Join Category GP On GP .CatId = PC.ParentCategoryId
    Left Join Category GGP On GGP .CatId = GP.ParentCategoryId

Based on yr comment, if you write a UDF as follows:

Create Function CatParentNames
( @CatId Integer )
Returns varchar(1000)
     Declare @outVal VarChar(1000)
     Declare @ParId Integer
     Select @ParId = ParentCategoryId, @outVal = Name
     From Category 
     Where CatId = @CatId
     While Exists(Select * From Category 
                  Where CatId = @ParId)
           Select @ParId = ParentCategoryId, 
                 @outVal = Name + ', ' + @outVal
           From Category 
           Where CatId = @ParId

 Return @outVal


then, write your sql as follows:

Select CatId, dbo.CatParentNames(CatId)
From Category
Where ParentCategoryId Is Not Null
Charles Bretana
I had that originally - but with a "where C.parentcategoryid is null" to keep it going off the root. However, it would in this example above only return 1 result. Also, the Id would be the root's
try it without the where clause? Cause that where clause WOULD restrict it to the only one root record (that's the only one with null parentCatId)
Charles Bretana
The way I've written it it should return every row in the Category table, cause there's no where clause, and the joins are all outer joins....
Charles Bretana
It will not output the data as written in my question. For Id 2 it will output 2, SomeChild, null, null, null. For Id 3 it will output 3, SomeGrandchild, null, null, null. Both are wrong.
So you only want one record in the output for each Child record, not for the root recordz? in your sample output, every row has someroot as value of name1, This makes me suspect you want CatId, and then the names of all the objects in that objects heiarchy. Is that correct?
Charles Bretana
you need to add an extra column to the first query, so all have the same number of columns, and a sort would help
Ok, fixed and added.
when I run it using my test table and data I only get rows for the 1st and last of each "set"
You're right, it is fixed now and now uses the @YourTable table from the other post.
+2  A: 

this probably isn't the most efficient query, but it is the easiest to code:

declare @YourTable table (CategoryId int primary key, ParentCategoryId int , CategoryName varchar(50))

INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (1, null, 'SomeRoot')
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (2, 1, 'SomeChild')
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (3, 2, 'SomeGrandchild')
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (4, 3, 'SomeGreatGrandchild')

INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (10, null, 'X_SomeRoot')
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (20, 10, 'X_SomeChild')
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (30, 20, 'X_SomeGrandchild')

    c1.CategoryId, c1.CategoryName, c2.CategoryName, c3.CategoryName, c4.CategoryName
    From @YourTable          c1
        INNER JOIN @YourTable c2 On c1.CategoryId = c2.ParentCategoryId
        INNER JOIN @YourTable c3 On c2.CategoryId = c3.ParentCategoryId
        INNER JOIN @YourTable c4 On c3.CategoryId = c4.ParentCategoryId
    WHERE c1.ParentCategoryId IS NULL 
    c1.CategoryId, c1.CategoryName, c2.CategoryName, c3.CategoryName, NULL
    From @YourTable          c1
        INNER JOIN @YourTable c2 On c1.CategoryId = c2.ParentCategoryId
        INNER JOIN @YourTable c3 On c2.CategoryId = c3.ParentCategoryId
    WHERE c1.ParentCategoryId IS NULL
    c1.CategoryId, c1.CategoryName, c2.CategoryName, NULL, NULL
    From @YourTable          c1
        INNER JOIN @YourTable c2 On c1.CategoryId = c2.ParentCategoryId
    WHERE c1.ParentCategoryId IS NULL
    c1.CategoryId, c1.CategoryName, NULL, NULL, NULL
    From @YourTable          c1
    WHERE c1.ParentCategoryId IS NULL
ORDER BY 2,3,4,5


SortB CategoryId  CategoryName CategoryName  CategoryName      CategoryName
----- ----------- ------------ ------------- ----------------- --------------------
1     1           SomeRoot     NULL          NULL              NULL
2     1           SomeRoot     SomeChild     NULL              NULL
3     1           SomeRoot     SomeChild     SomeGrandchild    NULL
4     1           SomeRoot     SomeChild     SomeGrandchild    SomeGreatGrandchild
1     10          X_SomeRoot   NULL          NULL              NULL
2     10          X_SomeRoot   X_SomeChild   NULL              NULL
3     10          X_SomeRoot   X_SomeChild   X_SomeGrandchild  NULL

(7 row(s) affected)
Thanks for adding in the @table insert, +1