I am working on a Javascript object that contains some YUI objects. The key thing is, my object needs to contain it's own set of YUI tabs so that I can display multiple instances of my object on the same page and have the tabs control their own object instance.
I set it up as follows:
var Scheduler = function(divid,startDate,mode){
this.tabView = null;
this.init = function(){
this.tabView.addTab( new YAHOO.widget.Tab({
label: 'Day',
content:'<div id="'+ this.calendar_day_div +'" style="width:100%; height:auto;"></div>'
var tab0 = this.tabView.getTab(0);
tab0.addListener('click', this.showWeek);
Here's the problem. I would expect the alert(this); in this.showWeek to alert the instance of scheduler. Instead, it's giving me the tab li. I tried alerting this.parent and am given 'undefined' as an answer.
How should I set this up to do what I need to do?