While gentle banter is to be encouraged, it's counter-productive to spend the day arguing about comment-styles, tab/space formatting and the way you use {},begin/end (or equivalent in your language of choice).
I pair-programmed (in Delphi) with a guy for a few months, many years ago, and one night he ran a homebrew 'code formatter' on my code because he didn't like the way I laid-out stuff (capitalisation, spacing etc). In the end, the back & forth game between us over this was as entertaining and interesting as the actual job itself, and it really broke the ice between us and helped us to get along, but in fairness it wasn't very professional or productive (at first, anyway)
One serious tip, always turn up with an open mind and a willingness to try things a different way. It doesn't matter which one of you is the more senior, or experienced, or 'master' programmer - if you don't both get something out of the exercise then it's a wasted opportunity.
And all being well the company will get better quality, inherently-peer-reviewed code, as a by-product!